Gostujuće predavanje: International Patient Summary (IPS) on HL7 FHIR: European Perspectives
Pozivamo vas da u nastavku godišnje skupštine HL7 Hrvatska prisustvujete gostujućem predavanju Catherine Chronaki, Secretary General, HL7 Europe President, European Federation for Medical Informatics
Tema predavanja:
The story of the International Patient Summary (IPS) specifications is tightly linked to the History of Medical Informatics standards in the early days of the European Federation of Medical Informatics and more recently cross-border eHealth services in Europe and across the Atlantic in epSOS, EXPAND, Trillium Bridge, eHDSI and now eHealth@EU. These initiatives resulted in European infrastructures based on IHE XDS profiles and HL7 CDA. Meanwhile, we have witnessed the rise of HL7 FHIR, which bring forward a new approach to implementation guidelines (FHIR IGs) that rely more on tooling and significantly reduce the cost implementation. This leads to the question incorporating FHIR is a evolution or revolution. We will try to respond looking at initiatives like the recommendation of the European Commission for the EHR Exchange Format (EHRxF), the progress so far in the xeHealth project as well as grassroots regional or local initiatives exploring FHIR.
O predavaču:
Catherine Chronaki is Secretary General of HL7 Europe engaged on digital health policy and interoperability initiatives. Catherine has engaged in eHealth projects since the early 90’s and has played a key role within National and European eHealth projects, addressing the wider scope of eHealth: health Information Infrastructures employing interoperability standards for integrated Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and eHealth services. Author of 150+ papers, she has served as Associate Editor IEEE Transactions for Information Technology in Biomedicine, and the program committee of major eHealth conferences. She is currently the President of the European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI, 2020-2022), and member of the eHealth Stakeholders group of the European Commission (2020-23).
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